We are here for you

We are here for you •

We are here to answer any questions and provide you with any information to help you get started. Please feel free to reach out to us!

225 Gordons Corner Road, #2G
Manalapan, NJ 07726

Phone: 609 795 1247 , 732 482 1445
Fax: (732) 808-2413

  • Please Note (Insurance Info)

    We are not currently accepting Medicaid.


    We are currently accepting only Horizon, Aetna, Cigna for outpatient, and PHP/IOP (must have out of network benefits for PHP/IOP).

  • Outpatient Med Management

    What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.

    Schedule an Appointment

  • Outpatient Therapy

    We are currently accepting only Horizon, Aetna & Cigna at this time.